Wednesday, October 29

How to know the Joy

1 John 1:4
“These things I write to you that your joy may be full.”

“In order that you may always have fullness of joy in this world, you must have conscious fellowship with God. How is that to be maintained? John proceeds to deal with that from 1:3 to 2:28. There are things that tend to militate us against that fellowship and rob us of it. There are things that will stand between us and that fellowship which leads to joy. There is sin, there is the lack of love to the brethren, there is a love for the world, and there is false teaching about the person of Jesus Christ.

The unction of the Holy Ghost, an advocate within is, as well as an advocate with the Father, opens our eyes to these things and forewarns us and shows us where we can get release and deliverance. First of all, make certain of the spirits (4:1), Second, make certain you are dwelling in the love of God (4:7-21). Thirdly, make certain you are actively keeping His commandments. And fourthly, make certain you hold the right views of Jesus Christ and you are in the right relationship with Him.

As we work out this great argument, we shall be coming face to face with some of the great central doctrines of the Christian Faith: the doctrine of the incarnation, the doctrine of the atonement, the doctrine of regeneration and rebirth, at the same time dealing with the doctrine of sanctification, the doctrine of sin, and the doctrine of the second coming of our Lord.

If you desire to know this joy spoken of, if you are anxious to have it remaining in you whatever happens in the world, there is only one way and that is to confront these great and glorious truths, to believe and accept them and to avoid every subtle heresy.”

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