Thursday, September 11

H Ike - Thursday Morning

Thursday Morning: Yesterday afternoon, Weather Underground published several paragraphs detailing the threat that H Ike poses to the Texas coast. Even from a few days after its inception, everyone seemed to agree that this storm was going to be a big one. This was the storm that at one point strengthened from a TS to a C4 within 24 hours. However, we have ceased to be very concerned with it here, now. This will probably be the last post on this hurricane now that it is in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico and heading west. The Ensemble Model from yesterday afternoon actually had all 20 some models heading into the Texas coast. This is a big difference from the Ensemble (the pink models) from Friday. That one showed Ike possibly going anywhere from back into the Atlantic to way down into the Yucatan Peninsula.

Not having televised news coming into our home anymore, I don’t hear how major a storm this is and how much of a danger it is to Texas. If it weren’t for keeping up with the details on Weather Underground, I wouldn’t think much of it at all. But seeing the detail about the storm surge, wind impact, and other threats, I really get a sense of foreboding for the Texas coast.

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