Sunday, September 26

Qohelet's Quest - Part One - Wisdom

One cannot use wisdom to make sense of the absurdity of life. Wisdom only heightens one’s sensitivity to the absurdity. The more you understand how life ought to work, the more it would irritate you that life seldom works the way it ought.

For the Christian though, Wisdom is a person. Colossians 2:3, “In Jesus are hidden all the treasures of knowledge and wisdom.” So there is an opposing contrast between the wisdom of the world and the wisdom of believers. Wisdom for the world tries to reason itself through the difficulties of life. Wisdom for the believer provides ultimate salvation from the difficulties. Though we live in the chaos of life, we know there is Wisdom governing the chaos.

In 1 Corinthians 1:18 the Lord contrasts the wisdom of the world with that of the wisdom in Christ. No man can come to know God through human wisdom. Wisdom can seek to penetrate life’s difficulties, but the only solution to those difficulties cannot be found through wisdom. In fact, the solution of Christ and the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing. But God made foolish the wisdom of the world in that it cannot save man, only Jesus can.

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